
What does protein do to your system? 

      Throughout the journey of “trying to find the perfect diet”, most people probably come across the name protein, but what is protein? And why is it necessary for our health?


      Protein diets are among one of the most popular, as they help to build muscle and have other benefits. The truth is that a good and balanced diet contains certain amounts of protein, and they are more important for our health than we might think.




What is protein?

     Protein essentially is made up of around 20 building blocks called amino acids. Those twenty different types of amino acids are connected in different combinations, forming protein that is used in hormones, enzymes, and even as an energy source. Also, Protein is found all around your body, such as in skin, hair, bones, muscles, and every other body part, which means Protein is responsible for making us what we are. 


      Your body does not store amino acids, so we must constantly produce them in our system and obtain them from other sources such as food.  There are two types of amino acids, essential and non-essential. We must obtain 9 essential amino acids, and they come from food. In order to have our body function properly, it is necessary to put enough of these amino acids in your diet. 



Benefits of Protein

Here are some of the many benefits that protein has to our body:

    • Protein is important for the growth and development of the body. It serves as fuel to the cells and it powers the body.

    • Muscles are mainly made out of protein, so having the right amount of protein serves as building blocks. Protein also helps with muscle growth, maintaining muscle mass, and even prevents too much muscle loss when losing weight. Protein is also building blocks for cartilage, hair, nails, bones, and skin, since they are made up of protein as well. 

    • Protein is used in our body to build and repair tissue. In addition, red blood cells contain protein compounds that carry oxygen throughout the body, which helps supply the body with the nutrients it needs. 

    • Protein helps fight infection, and even balance you body fluids

    • Lastly, protein assists in the regulation of hormones, especially during the transformation and development of cells. 



How much protein do you need?

      Protein is not stored in your body like fats or carbohydrates, you need to include protein every day in your diet. The amount of protein you need varies as it depends on factors such as age, sex, health, physical activity, etc…


      The general amount of protein recommended by The National Academy of Medicine to an average adult is 0.8 g per kg of body weight. As an example, a person weighing 140 pounds needs about 50 grams of protein per day, and a person weighing 200 pounds needs about 70 grams per day. Around 10 to 35 percent of your calories should come from protein. 


      Even though these are the average amount of protein recommended, the right amount of protein for a person might change depending on their specific needs. If a person is experiencing loss of muscle mass, the right amount of protein might increase. Similarly, if a person who exercises regularly and wants more muscle growth, might have a higher need for protein. In contrast, a person who is overweight needs to be careful when calculating their protein needs to avoid overestimating.


      A doctor or dietician is able to recommend the right amount of protein for a person and develop a personalized plan to maintain good health and achieve certain goals. 



The danger of high levels of protein

      Most people following a diet to increase their muscles might commit the mistake of having higher levels of protein than what is good for them. The truth is, that having very high levels of protein can be very dangerous, and it ends up compromising one’s health more than what it benefits. 


      Consuming high levels of protein can strain the kidneys, increasing the risk of having kidney stones, and the liver, as well as prompt exercise loss of calcium.  Additionally, protein diets that contain lots of red meat and high amounts of saturated fat can lead to a higher risk of heart disease, however, plant-based protein diets do not contain that risk. 




      Protein can be found in red meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, and fish. However, when it comes to meat and dairy, it is best to consume it in moderation. For dairy foods, it is advised to have 1-2 servings a day, and even try to include yogurt instead of getting all your servings from milk to cheese. Red meat should be consumed in moderation and on a more limited basis. 


     Contrary to what most people think, protein isn’t just found in meat. In order to have a good and balanced diet, It is important to get protein from plants as much as possible by eating legumes such as beans and peas, as well as different types of nuts, seeds, whole grains, soy products, and other plant-based sources.


      Adding powdered protein to smoothies or other foods, drinking protein shakes, and buying protein supplements are also good ways to include more protein in your diet. However,  it is important to do so in moderation in order to avoid consuming more than the amount recommended. 




